Commercial Property Management – Tenancy Schedule Tips Tools and Tactics
The tenancy schedule is the tool of choice for a property manager or leasing manager in a commercial or retail property investment. It is the tenancy schedule that will keep the property manager up to task on forthcoming events and dates.
Often you find that the tenancy schedule is not up to date, so if anyone gives you such a document, treat it with the caution it deserves, and check it out completely before you act on the information contained therein.
So let’s say that you have a great tenancy schedule that you know is totally accurate. I get many questions about what I would want to see in a tenancy schedule. Here are my main priorities:
- Details of the tenant name, lease, and full contact detail for emergencies
- Tenancy identifier or suite reference that comes from the plan for the property
- The area of the tenancy in m2 or ft2 (depending on your unit of measurement)
- The % of the tenant area to the building net lettable area
- The rent $’s per annum, per month, and per unit of measurement (m2 or ft2)
- Lease start date
- Rent start date
- Lease end date
- Term of lease
- Option term of lease
- Anniversary dates and reminders for rent reviews, options, expires, renewals, renovations, and make good obligations
- Outgoings charges for each tenant on the basis of area and monthly charge
- Outgoings budget for the building
- Total outgoings recoveries for the property on a currency and % basis
- Types of outgoings to be charged to the tenants
- Insurance obligations of the tenant
- Rental guarantee details or bonds held
- Provision for critical dates relating to any important lease term or condition
- Maintenance obligation details of the tenants
This list is not finite and you can add your own extra priorities, I would however make sure that it is totally correct and maintain it to the highest level of accuracy. When you do this you can stay on top of important upcoming events that will impact the occupancy or rental of the property.
Whilst you can buy ‘off the shelf’ software programs that display this above information, that can be quite expensive for those commercial and retail property managers that are first entering this type of property. The alternative is to create some simple spread sheet that contains the data; in saying that, it is essential that great care is taken to maintain the spread sheet that you create. Any errors in the tenancy schedule can destroy your landlord, your business, your tenant, your reputation, and the property. Accuracy is paramount.